I'm departing from my usual voyage into Economics to discuss something that was brought to my attention in a recent email.
The gist of the email said that the greatest generation somehow failed to convey the real meaning of America to my generation and on down the line. The speaker, Dennis Prager, a college professor and TV broadcaster, says that they failed to pass on what it means to be an American.; that one can be a good and loyal American but not realize exactly what that means in terms of moral precepts.
We have to go back to the original commitments: IN GOD WE TRUST; LIBERTY; AND E PLURIBUS UNUM (out of MANY-ONE ). BECAUSE OF THOSE PRECEPTS AMERICA WAS CALLED 'THE LAST BEST HOPE FOR MANKIND". It was an experiment of governing and it succeeded!!!!!!!!!! As Dennis Prager put it 'A GREAT HUMAN EXPERIMENT" AND IT SUCCEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!
E Puribus Unum (refers to becoming one nation) and in the phrase in the Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights". It is a phrase forced out of schools because of the communist use of "the equal".
Have we had some bad set backs like the depression?????????YOU'D BETTER BELIEVE IT BUT CAN YOU NAME A SYSTEM THAT HAS NOT HAD SETBACKS? We just expect more of AMERICA and so do others. Have we made mistakes??????YOU BET. We imported SLAVES FROM EUROPE AND AFRICA and neglected to free them. So did many other countries BUT WE JUST EXPECT MORE OF AMERICA AND SO DO OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are we a GIVING NATION??????????All the bullshit to the contrary, it has been proven OVER AND OVER AGAIN that the United States gives more when it is needed than all the European countries put together. We work hard and give hard while Europe complains about time off, vacations, early retirement!!!!!!!!!!!
DO WE USE MORE ENERGY??????? HAVE YOU NOTICED THE BLAZING LIGHTS in all the capitols of Europe and Asia in the last few years ???????ANYONE ADD THAT UP???? China and Japan have now bragged that they have as many or more CARS than the UNITED STATES!!!!!!
Maybe, we have to stop listening to the PROPAGANDA AND REALIZE WHY our country was created and THAT WE HAVE BECOME PROSPEROUS because of the precepts THAT OTHERS WOULD LIKE TO SEE US LOSE so that they can be THE "ONE LAST BEST HOPE OF MANKIND"!!!!!!!!!
Communists, Socialists, Progressives, all words for the left leaning who practice an old form of politics that goes back to CONFUCIANISM in China.
OUR SYSTEM BEGAN because of the faults found in that system and other totalitarian systems. Our system is still in its INFANCY. A little over 200 years old. And hailed as:
Prager points out that a nation does not survive without a REASON. We have misplaced the real reason for America. THE WHY OF OUR NATION. Those three principles are the WHY of our nation:
e pluribus unum--out of many-ONE
liberty --FREEDOM
in God we trust --MORALS AND ETHICS
If you read our early American history (which by the way has been disappearing from the school curriculum in favor of World history) you will fine they struggled LONG AND HARD to find the THREE PHRASES OF WHY America is the set up the way it is.
A struggle based on our DIVORCE FROM EUROPE and its corruption, which many prefer to disregard in modern times. We lost a lot of our American information when we followed John Dewey's system in education into hiring professors and teachers from European schools who taught us the European precepts. JUST WHAT WE WANTED TO ESCAPE!!!!!!!!
Europe was the reason for the United Nations after WWII. They couldn't stay out of conflict. We helped because that's what we do. We became members. Membership does not give the UN a right to become a governing force in our county.
AMERICA is not in need of governing by the UN if we follow the original precepts of our union and our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The UNITED NATIONS JUST MADE IRAN A MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!????????? MUSLIM COUNTRIES are notorious for their lack of concern FOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS. IS THIS THE KIND OF GOVERNING AMERICA believes in. I think not!!!!!!!!
Is this an Economic crisis in AMERICA that we have to vote on this November? Only partially, the big issue is the WHY we want to preserve America as America. This election in November is based on WHAT WE WANT TO BE AS AMERICANS.
Are we to be the FREE, INDIVIDUAL (e pluribus unum- out of many ONE :or do we want to be RULED NOT FREE, WITHOUT INDIVIDUALITY, AND NOT EQUAL something we have fought hard to become (because RULED men are NEVER EQUAL)????????????
THIS ELECTION NOVEMBER 2 will decide that more firmly than any in recent history. Will we remain the LAST BEST HOPE FOR MANKIND???????????? Or CAVE IN TO THE PRESSURE OF OUR ENEMIES?????????
Vote to change both the House and the Senate. VOTE AS IF YOUR LIFE AS AN AMERICAN DEPENDS ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
BECAUSE IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!
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