


Remember way back when I said I was exploring the importance of Economics with you. Well, I still am and now we have an interesting mystery that needs solving.

How did a man named GEORGE SOROS become a major political donor and become involved in the economics of the United States??????????He was born in Budapest, Hungary on August 12, 1930 and went to the London School of Economics. He is currently categorized as an entrepreneur, currency trader, investor, and political activist. Evidently he has been particularly POLITICALLY ACTIVE in AMERICA and currently is seeking political assistance from our government with exploration for Brazilian oil.

He has spread money around liberally as George Soros whose family was originally Schwartz and he was born a Hungarian Jew. Is he a citizen of the United States?????????I find no evidence of that. He evidently worked in Wall Street firms until the 1970s after his emigration to New York City. He then co-founded the Quantum Fund with partners that created the bulk of his wealth.

That wealth in 2010 was listed in Forbes as 14 billion. He is listed as the 14Th richest person in the United States and the 35Th in the world . Much of that wealth he owes to the benefit of our stock market. Today, Soros' profits are in speculative trading world-wide and in 1992, he was classified as "the man who broke the bank of England" on "Black Wednesday."

Soros has written a number of books predicting the collapse of markets including one in 2008 "The New Paradigm for Financial Markets" when he described a "super bubble" that had built up over the 25 years and was ready to collapse. It was the third book predicting the CURRENT CRISIS that our FINANCIAL GURUS failed to read. They thought that since the first two books were considered "crying wolf", they could continue to ignore reality.

In 2009 Soros said that the world financial system had effectively collapsed and was placed on "life support" and there's no sign that it is anywhere near the bottom. Recent financial news has emphasized that point. Hey, remember what I said about learning from our friends AND ENEMIES??????????

Soros has been PARTICULARLY politically and economically active here since 2004 because of his hatred of George W. Bush (THE REASON? MONEY?????) and is still involved IN BANK ROLLING OUR CANDIDATES IN BOTH PARTIES. He has a history of financial involvement across the world such as the French Bank scandal going on since 1989.

He contributed heavily, according to Internet sources, to Barack Obama's campaign. But he also contributed to John McCain and a number of other Republicans. He has funded a number of NGOs (NON GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS) registered and unregistered. Clearly a sort of government within governments in various countries. (More on these in another issue).

Is Soros a Communist?????Well, NOT SURPRISINGLY he was influential in the collapse of communism in Eastern Europe and he is said to support pro-democracy (whatever that NOW means) and pro-transparency in eastern Europe as well as here. His NGOs were used to carry out his goals in the Ukraine and Georgia and NGOs in Russia can no longer take money from foreigners after the debacle Soros caused there. Fines against his NGOs have halted them in a number of places and he calls them part of a campaign to "destroy independent society".

Is Soros a lover of the FREE MARKET SYSTEM??????? NOT SURPRISINGLY, he blames the United States current free market system of financial speculation (how he made most of his billions) on undermining healthy economic development in underdeveloped countries and calls 'market fundamentalism's reason for the failures. There is some speculation as to how heavy a hand he had in encouraging Hedge funds and what he profited. He sees the United States as "the main obstacle to a stable and just world order" and says that our "over-consumption" is over in light of the present financial crisis.

He is a self described "stateless statesman" who uses his billions to influence governments such as America's toward his desire for what was once called "ONE WORLDISM". Soros has developed in our country (and others) a SHADOW PARTY to carry out his goals. Those goals were originally based on his early economic studies in England with the philosopher, Karl Popper, who taught him the concept of "the open society". The open society theory was to be used as a "test and evaluation" and was followed by many of the western powers, especially regarding social reform and as an approach to societal engineering.

The former United States Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker (and I question his ethical values) wrote the foreword to Soros' book "The Alchemy of Finance" that described Soros' actions as "devoted to encouraging transitional and emerging nations to become 'open societies'; open not only in the sense of freedom of commerce but-more important-tolerant of new ideas and different modes of thinking and behavior."

Soros beliefs in economics focus on the concept of reflexivity. This is based on the idea that the biases of individuals are part of market transactions and potentially change the perception of the fundamentals of the economy.IN LAYMAN'S WORDS: MAGICAL BELIEFS DO NOT CO- EXIST WELL WITH REALITY.

Thus such transitions typically result in disequilibrium (OUT OF BALANCE) rather than equilibrium (IN BALANCE) so that 'efficient market hypothesis' doesn't apply and markets either overshoot or undershoot the goal. The scandalous housing crisis is a perfect example of this theory. Soros blamed the market's "MOODS', IE: the bias of optimism/pessimism for reinforcing a market trend that eventually proved to be unsustainable and self-defeating as in the mortgage crisis.

Soros appears to have his hand in so many countries world-wide that one wonders how a man of eighty manages to keep track of them all. His philosophy of modern life is not a popular one though completely practical based on his vision of reality. In fact in former days, he would have been seen as a pragmatist who bases his philosophy on the real world and reality as he envisions it.

Since Soros is all over the world interfering in other people's business in order to promote his own interests and his theories of how the world should be run, I find him to be HIS OWN WORST ENEMY. His ideas have propelled the world into situations that will likely explode in turmoil and war and end up alienating people from each other. You cannot conduct open society or one-worldism in a hostile environment without violent conflict so that the likelihood of change proves futile within that hostile environment. People retreat into their own vantage points and ideals and close out new ones. The sooner Soros' belief in euthanasia includes his own, the better off the world will become.

I do not like HIDDEN HANDS stirring my pots of STEW so you know what where I stand.




The economic news that went out this week is not good. Forecasts that we are heading for a deeper and wider depression are rattling the windows at the White House. Although as news goes, it is based on assumption as is the whole field of finance.

What depressed the markets most practically was the the jump in unemployment to 500,000 in the second week in August since a modest drop was expected. The manufacturing sector showed a 13-month low in August, a substantial drop from July. These factors have diminished growth hopes as British retail sales rose and Germany's central bank predicted up forecasts of 3%.

It is an interesting comparison between Britain's recent gains and our losses. The election of David Cameron and a coalition government in Britain over 3 months ago was greeted by hisses and boos from the Socialistic government that has been running the UK into the RED, literally in recent years.

Pundits in the US have said that Cameron could be Obama's worst nightmare if Cameron's austerity campaign to reduce Britain's record peacetime budget deficit proved popular.

And so it has thus far. After 100 days of strong fiscal cuts in the top heavy Government programs, a majority of voters in Britain felt that the cuts were working and that Cameron's program of reducing benefits and entitlements was proving successful. The voters have indicated that they feel he can be trusted to make the right decisions for the economy, particularly since it was believed that Britain would look like it had suffered a lack of stability if fast corrections had not been made.

Britain's austerity plan is based on BUILDING a foundation for economic growth with a "fairer" view of society as well as allaying market suspicions "that Britain does not have the will to pay her way in the world", according to the deputy prime minister, Nick Clegg. The reaction to OVER THE TOP Government spending is being rejected by Britains. 'THE ROAD TO SERFDOM", a book written by Friedrich von Hayek, was recently revived and tops reading lists.

What does this mean for America? Hopefully, we can learn from the ultimate failure of British socialism and stop the headlong rush into the expansion of bills and programs that further the likelyhood of a bankruptcy situation in our land. A deficit can only be controlled by a more balanced outlook in the Congress. The US has to look to the elections this year to create that balance.

Americans are beginning to see the need for fiscal austerity but realize there are no clear cut or long range solutions for making the large deficits go away short of disaster. Solutions must be created within the Congress. The problems created by the huge health care reform bill booned by Obama and passed by the Congress has focused public attention on the problems of paying for it with monies we simply don't have after a major depression. Bad timing all the way around!!!!!!!!!!!! Raising taxes on diminished incomes is the road to poverty.

I read in the newspaper that when Obama was in China, the Premier asked him why he wanted to push the Health Care bill. China has had to back off most of its health care REFORM because of financial overloads. The East was always faster with the ABACUS (the origin of fast math before the computer) than the West!

IRONIC!!!!!!!!!!! Believe it.

The central tenet of national health care of the Chinese Communist program could not continue in that country because it was too EXPENSIVE!!!!!!!!!! So while the Chinese Government reduced its health care and adopted Western standards of Wall Street type markets and business competition, the US passed a massive program without the wherewithall to pay for it!!!!!!!!!GIVE ME A BREAK-HOW MUCH DOES IT COST TO LEARN FROM OUR ENEMIES AS WELL AS OUR FRIENDS???????????

The problems seem to develop in this country when we don't attempt that difficult MIDDLE of the ROAD balance. As mundane as that term may be, achieving a sensible balance is the hardest of all economic political philosophies.

Obama's policies have taken America far off center on the left into socialism and he has convinced Congress to follow him. He has refused to hear the American voters and their concern for his actions. His policies only offer increased taxation in an attempt to accomodate the costs and America has become too poor in this depression to be able to pay the bill. Really bad timing!!!!!! Will China (to whom we owe mucho debt) FORECLOSE on our HOUSEHOLD OF AMERICA????????????? If we bankrupt our country, then that possibility exists.

The crisis in the next two elections will rest on getting the Congress back into a more stable position and backing a President with ideas based on A REAL MIDDLE OF THE ROAD position that works best for our form of Government.

Whatever you decide about fiscal austerity and spendiferous spending, please go to the polls and make your choice known by choosing candidates who reflect your opinions and voting out the candidates who don't. And protect your polling places from any undue influence by those who seek to thwart your rights!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers, Connie




You'll have to indulge me this week. My birthday is near and I must admit I have seen a few of them.

Enough so that the over the top rhetoric of forty-some year old prophets doesn't move me to agree. I've been there, done that, and at some point have lived to regret some of my own prophesizing. When I've seen some of the things I advocated, advanced twenty years later, when it no longer made sense because time and tide had moved on, I wince. I was often thankful that I did not write the book I envisioned in those days because I'd have to have seen it all come true TOO LATE TO DO ANY GOOD.

However, anyone without some regrets at my age either has done little with their talents and time or is still too stupid to understand that even the best intentioned can be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Someone I was very fond of years ago told me "It is just as bad to be ahead of your time as behind your time" and that is a truism that "coming of age" certainly has proved.

I fought against Communism now called Socialism for most of my adult life. I have not changed my viewpoint. A system that VIRTUALLY ENSLAVES A LARGE BODY OF PEOPLE AND IS RUN BY A SMALL BODY OF PEOPLE IN ORDER TO MAKE AN EVEN SMALLER BODY OF PEOPLE COMFORTABLE is not intellectually practical, sensible or caring no matter how it is touted by those enthused by the ideas. It is simply another route to WORLD POWER or totalitarian domination as the James Bond movies made a lot of loot depicting.

It's a dream passed down by EMPERORS, DICTATORS, DESPOTS, ROYALTY and surprisingly enough, PLATO AND CONFUCIANISM.

It's not a NEW FORM OF GOVERNMENT or a CHANGE as those who would take control, would like you to believe; and I am sure you're way too smart to believe.

There's not much new under the sun. Our form of Government which is a REPUBLIC was loosely based on Aristotle's thinking. Don't we owe a lot to the Greeks??????????Whose success today is a testament to their Philosophers????? But since Aristotle's (not Onassis but the ancient Philosopher) brand of intelligence doesn't fit the World Power mode as well as Plato's, our form of government is not as poplular.

FOR ONE THING, IT TAKES VIGILENCE. It's not easy and not a give away. FREEDOM IS A TOUGH THING TO HOLD. It is elusive, requires hard work, and nothing is FREE. It takes CHARACTER, ABILITY, INDUSTRIOUSNESS, ETHICS, RESPONSIBILITY, HONESTY, and MORALS.


Actually these were all characteristics of most of the Americans who made this country truly great.

If some of our forefathers did not possess all of them, they had a good measure OF THEM and the rest of the group made up the lacks. People who ran in short supply of these ATTRIBUTES were looked down on because they were considered if not BAD, at least LAZY, POORLY RAISED, OR JUST PLAIN STUPID. They were pilliored out of the general group of people who thought themselves more morally perfect. THAT HAS ITS DRAWBACKS AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!

But by and large, our Republic was an attempt at CHANGE and as a political system is VERY NEW at 200+ years so there have NOT been CENTURIES to work out the kinks in it. Therefore, we do make mistakes and big ones.

Not that Communism (Socialism) doesn't make mistakes. They have practiced in other nations trying to get it right. IN FACT I might add here that as long as they have had to get it RIGHT, they haven't done so well. China is still stealing OUR IDEAS to help her impoverished lands.

We seem to be advocating presently "throwing out the baby with the wash water". Dumping our MOSTLY SUCCESSFUL REPUBLIC because we are being told we are BAD PEOPLE who made some mistakes. Those mistakes, by the way, were certainly HELPED ALONG by the people who seek to CONTROL OUR FREEDOM AND CHANGE OUR GOVERNMENT TO A SOCIALIST STATE.

Before we allowed our borders to be overrun, our poverty rate was among the lowest in the world and poverty in this country did not find ragged beggers overrunning our streets as we see traveling across the world. We have always been a generous people AND DON'T LET THE doomsday experts CONFUSE YOU WITH PHONY STATISTICS; our poor could always receive what they needed. We are a GENEROUS, VOLUNTEERING NATION WITH AN ABUNDANCE OF CHARITABLE WORKS. SOME of our homeless chose to live as they do for many reasons, those of us who can't conceive of such a life, find hard to understand.

Perhaps those who chose a homeless lifestyle (as opposed to those who have no choice) are much like the Buddhists in the East, and conceive of FREEDOM rather differently than the average person. They see it as having no personal responsibilities at all. But of course since nothing is FREE one must undergo a certain amount of sacrifice to attain that situation.

We have been hated for our SUCCESS and many gloat about our SUPPOSED FAILURE but it will only be a failure if we do not mend our mistakes and carry forward the dream of our forefathers adopting the attitudes that allow FREEDOM TO survive.

I won't LIVE long enough to see what kind of future THIS GREAT LAND will choose to have in the next fifty years but I'm hoping that I am again AHEAD OF MY TIME by predicting a revolution FOR THE AMERICAN REPUBLIC and with no apologies for ITS SUCCESS.

Cheers, Connie




More on immigration since it's the hot economic top that will impact our tax dollars, jobs and all manner of other economic liabilities.

Now we're clear, I assume, that we are all in favor of LEGAL IMMIGRATION and find it part of our heritage and culture. If you aren't even in favor of that--just stop reading now.

Helping ILLEGAL aliens who already live and work in the U.S. is very noble sounding if they are WORKING and have been here for many years. We need to find a LEGAL way for them to reenter the country LEGALLY immediately so they do not lose their jobs and can find relief from fear.

However, the problem remains that when you REWARD the current ILLEGALITY, it will proliferate among those who are not intending to be rewarding illegal residents.

Here's a good question: HOW DO WE REPLACE LACK OF RESPECT FOR UNITED STATES LAWS that caused a person to slip in ILLEGALLY in the first place with RESPECT for our laws if we don't honor them ourselves??????????????

Want a good "For instance"?????LOOK AT THE UNDERGROUND DRUG MARKET in the United States for PROOF!!!!!!That's when respect for our laws deteriorated and ordinary citizens and neighbors became lawless like in the Old West. So, if we made ILLEGAL DRUGS LEGAL, we could collect TAXES on all that illegal contraband and UNDERGROUND MONEY that could easily pay our heavy burden PLACED ON US BY RECENT CONGRESSIONAL BILLS.

As illegal drugs proliferated and OBVIOUSLY POWERFUL INTERESTS entered the illegal markets, the eroding of our laws began. I read once a long time ago that ITALY had two basic economies, ONE UNDERGROUND and one GOVERNMENT controlled. In other words one that was legal and one that was illegal. I guess we have all become more ITALIAN than we realized. IT'S PROBABLY ALL THE PIZZA AND PASTA!!!!!!!!!!!

What does this have to do with ILLEGAL ALIENS?????????? EITHER WE FOLLOW THE LAWS IN OUR SYSTEM OR WE MUST CHANGE THEM!!! BUT>>>>>>>and this is a BIG BUTT (equated with the same part of anatomy that we seem to be using for thinking) we don't change them to allow ILLEGALITY TO FLOURISH.

There is little quarrel with the idea that we need to restructure the Immigration system to reflect the reality that exists today. The answer is with some CREATIVE IDEAS OF LEGALITY instead of fostering creative ILLEGALITY. Is it TOO MUCH to ask our ELECTED OFFICIALS who are sworn to UPHOLD OUR LAWS DO SO??????????? WHY ARE WE NOT ASKING OUR CREATIVE THINKERS (and that's not necessarily our lawyers--to struggle with this problem???????)

Instead of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett having to return to RELATIVE poverty to set an example, let's RATHER ASK that they use their CREATIVE EFFORTS on a "REAL SOLUTIONS TO REAL PROBLEMS" committee. We would all be better served in the long run. Then maybe Congress could enact a reasonable law.

I found a very interesting article on what the President and his advisers are looking into in the event that the huge immigration law they FAVOR is defeated. I find this interesting since I understand permanency would depend on further action by the USCIS with Presidential approval, thereby bypassing the voters. If the PRESIDENT has to bypass the voters and Congress, HOW GOOD CAN THE PROPOSED ACTION BE?

A memo from the USCIS (UNITED STATES CITIZENSHIP AND IMMIGRATION SERVICE) called THE AMNESTY MEMO AND PUBLISHED JULY 29, 2010 was leaked to the web and followed up by a few members of the Press. The Title of the memo is "Administrative Alternatives to Comprehensive Immigration Reform" which considers a number of alternatives ( the memo is supposedly still in the THINKING STAGE) to legalize classes of undocumented immigrants, REFUGEES AND ILLEGAL ALIENS (of the sneak OVER THE BORDER type).

Now this may seem attractive on the surface but there is one underlying point that is not harmless. The USCIS memo suggests the increased use of 'DEFERRED ACTION". This is an exercise of prosecutorial discretion about WHETHER to pursue removal from the United States OF a particular individual (OR group of individuals??????) for a specific period of time. The memo mentions that there are no set limits on USCIS's ability to use this deferred action but "does warn that indiscriminate use would be CONTROVERSIAL AND EXPENSIVE".

GOSH, YOU THINK????????Considering it would amount to allowing ILLEGAL ALIENS Amnesty and rights without CONGRESSIONAL Consent! Do you think the rest of us might just OBJECT TO THAT??????? It is understood that our President and his advisors are pursuing this line of thinking in case they are unable to force Congress to confirm an Immigration bill in their image. OH, BOW TO THE IMMORTALS YE PEASANTS--EXCUSE ME YE "LITTLE PEOPLE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The memo also includes extending the grace period for visa holders (not the card) AND making exceptions for children and hardship cases; (I THOUGHT THEY WERE ALL HARDSHIP CASES) among other ways to allow more latitude and longitude.

There is USCIS legislation moving through Congress called THE DREAM ACT (DEVELOPMENT, RELIEF AND EDUCATION FOR ALIEN MINORS ACT). They must have had a contest to come up with that title in order to spell "dream". The act is supposedly designed ONLY for legal alien or ILLEGAL alien students who have completed high school (this now includes 825,000). By the way we, the TAXPAYERS, already PAID FOR THAT EDUCATION.

Federal law mandates that all children, legal or ILLEGAL, have the opportunity of a high school education. (VERY LAUDIBLE) But now those students want to continue their education with the same benefits of reduced rates and scholarships as citizens:AGAIN ON THE TAX PAYERS SHOULDERS AND IN COMPETITION WITH TAXPAYER'S KIDS!!!!!!!!.

(IT'S THE OLD "I'll only eat one piece of your pie--whoops it was so GOOD, I FINISHED IT " Addage).

Okay, I'm all for lots of education but I ALSO know that if you never have to earn anything in life you do not prosper. THE BILL goes on to propose that individuals (LEGAL OR ILLEGAL) who arrived here before age l6 and younger than 34 (?) may apply for conditional permanent residence and stay on the path to LEGAL residence (after six years in the program) as long as they have no problems with the law. They would have to finish at least two years of college or serve two years in the military which is terrific if we ever bother to check and see if it is done.

I saw no mention of a provision in the bill that it needs to have (in my opinion). IF THESE TERMS ARE NOT MET THEN IMMEDIATE DEPORTATION WILL OCCUR WITH NO DELAYS since we all know TEENAGERS MEAN WELL but do not always fulfill their DREAMS. This bill has been going through the Congress since 2001 and Congress has repeatedly seen the potential damage to overall immigration and shot it down. But the GREEDY USERS of Taxpayer money who look for an EASY way out continue to pursue this bill without any real penalties for non compliance within the law. This year they feel Congress will see it as the lesser of two voter evils as compared with the major IMMIGRATION bill.

The argument against not voting for this law is often that children should not be punished by the actions of their parents!!!!!!!We are all punished by the actions of our parents in one way or another--PLEEZE!!!!!!!!!!It's just that some of us are luckier or smarter than others. It's a SIN of BIRTH.

These are not yet final decisions on Immigration and I have no quarrel with the idea we need to restructure the system but how about some creative ideas of LEGALITY instead of CREATIVE ILLEGALITY??????????? Is that TOO MUCH to ask of our elected officials who are sworn to UPHOLD OUR LAWS!

In case you are going to bestir yourself to write to your Congressman--don't just complain--give that official a constructive push into tapping into our creative thinkers for LEGAL WAYS to provide a haven for the poor and downtrodden or it MAY INDEED SOON INCLUDE US!!!

Cheers, Connie