


Terrorism is the new  worry of the 21st Century. Since we spent most of the twentieth century worrying about atomic bombs, we've replaced it with  ARAB TERRORISM. If you remember the Irish practiced this on the English and the Basques on Spain in their prolonged fights for independence  so it's not a new trick. A study of the Basque situation showed terrorism reduced their own region's economic income per capitva (personal) level by 10% so the perpetrators suffered economically as well.

It is too bad that the Press is so YELLOW JOURNALISTICALLY oriented today because that encourages the very acts the press vilifies. It publicizes them and creates an attitude of the terrorism having been successful. There is no question that when you are attacked even in a minor way, someone is sending a message that THEY DON'T LIKE YOU OR YOUR ATTITUDES!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, what a revelation. Usually, one can walk away or turn away or ignore the insults but unfortunately when a bomb is used, it becomes dramatic.

What is all this drama created by the terrorists costing us economically and personally. Well, personally we've certainly experienced the lack of freedom in every day life. Travel has become more difficult, and gathering places like malls more suspect, and there is a general feeling of unease around strangers that has made America lose that small town camaraderie.

The cost politically has been the election of OVER MILITANT AND NOW OVER TYRANNICAL leaders and a constant chatter of suppression of whatever SEEMS TO NEED TO BE CONTROLLED. The economic costs in property, defense, and homeland spending,  as well as the impact on financial markets is not really calculable. There is also the economic effect on supply chains increasing transportation costs including the more personal ones like our home delivery services.

The direct cost of the September ll attack in New York City is really the only factual example and that is cited to be more than $20 billion dollars for the immediate loss in property. They also estimate the attack cost the private sector  $14 billion, the Federal government, $7 billion, clean-up cost was about $11 billion.  All in all, it brings an estimated total of $95 billion. THIS COUNTRY NOW SPENDS ABOUT $500 BILLION ANNUALLY on combating or preventing terrorism in defense and homeland security.   $500 billion is as much as if we'd had (God forbid) five or six 9/11 PER YEAR.

What makes terrorism so traumatic is the impersonal and surprise actions of the perpetrators that creates a kind of mass hysteria. The sudden loss of innocent lives by unseen enemies creates an emotional and psychological problem for people and creates an unsatisfied anger. However, I would like to insert a small measure of REALISM here.

The only difference between any major disaster like floods, hurricanes, fire, and travel crashes that kill large amounts of innocent people is that they LACK A PERPETRATOR.  We spend a lot attempting to avoid disaster or repairing the damage but we pick up our marbles and play again! They happen, we mourn them, but we accept that a certain number of these disasters may affect our lives daily.

It is the addition of an ENEMY that causes the problem and makes us think we have to produce some kind of ANTI-ENEMY DEVICE that in the long run makes us far more uncomfortable and unhappy than the ORIGINAL CAUSE. Sure we have to let them know we will punish the acts but we ARE NOT REQUIRED TO LIVE FEARFULLY!!!!!!!!!!! That is giving the enemy the idea we are COWARDS. $500 billion should be enough to find the perpetrators and deal justice!!!!!!!!!!

David K. Levine in an article on the internet,  "The True Costs of Terrorism and National Security" says: "Perhaps the costs are justified by the fears and real risks. Certainly, we must continue vigilance...............But what is needed is a sense of balance--a reasoned approach......"

And this is my point. If we accept the very real dangers every day of driving a car to and from our business and errands and the imminent danger that we face WITHOUT CALLING THE POLICE to escort us on our dangerous path; can't we bring that kind of sensibility and courage to the risks that terroism entails?
 In London in World War II they lived their daily lives under the shadow of buzz bombs that struck without warning and citizens managed to face each day with cheerful, realistic and courageous caution. Yes, at least they could strike back at their enemy but that didn't change the daily hazard and they wouldn't allow that enemy the victory of seeing fear. THERE WILL ALWAYS BE HAZARDS TO MAN'S FRAGILITY whether by nature or his own destructive toys and we can minimize the cost emotionally, psychologically, and economically by taking a REALISTIC LOOK AT OUR REACTIONS. Are we in effect playing into the terrorists' hands by adding our OVER-DRAMATIC attitudes to their plunder????????????

Think about it. YOU ARE NOW SPENDING OVER $500 BILLION TO FIGHT SHADOWS ON THE TV SCREEN and losing the battle. Calm your fears, fight your hysteria, show the perpetrators your courage, and in effect SPIT IN THEIR EYE. And you know what??????????THAT COSTS NOTHING AND YOU CAN SPEND the $500 BILLION finding the guilty, or better yet,  on our poor and needy.

Cheers, Connie




We've examined Fabian Socialism as an economic factor in our lives and the greatest imposition on our American system in the years since the framing of the Consitution in 1787. Let's examine the American system because we all need a reminder now and then to what we actually aspire as a nation.

The 55 framers of the Constitution set up a system of LIMITED GOVERNMENT to be controlled by WE THE PEOPLE.  They did not recognize government as all knowing, all powerful, and all controlling.  CONGRESS  was not designed to make laws that don't follow the WILL OF THE PEOPLE. This was very different from England and Europe with their massively controlled governments by Royalty or dictators and centrally controlled.

The framers also set up a very distinct separation of powers so that the government they set up could not become tyrannical.They set up the LEGISLATIVE branch that is, CONGRESS, to MAKE LAW for us; the EXECUTIVE branch that is, the PRESIDENT, to ENFORCE LAW; and the JUDICIAL branch, that is, the SUPREME COURT to JUDGE and INTERPRET LAW.

This system came about because the Framers felt Britain's Parliamentary Government concentrated too much power in one branch, and produced a corrupt and tyrannical system. WE FORGET WHY, SOMETIMES.

This system was designed with checks and balances so that one branch can put a STOP to the actions of another branch through Congressional impeachment, judicial challenges to Congress or the laws, and veto by the President. CLEVER THESE AMERICANS!!!!!!!!!

And last but not least is the principle of Federalism. While some key powers are held by a central government, others are held by state governments. STATE RULE existed even before the Consitution was enacted so that the originals THIRTEEN states could manage their affairs.

REMEMBER that the American Revolution revolted against a EUROPEAN CENTRALIZED GOVERNMENT that attempted to RULE AMERICA. The framers were very opposed to creating too powerful a central government in America. State Government presented another type of check and balance.

Our land was born on July 4, 1776 and the U.S. Constitution became law in June 1788 to strengthen the fledgling concepts and was a BRILLIANT STROKE in its complete concepts.

The first stock exchange was founded in Philadelph in 1790. Our economic system was formed not long after our Consitution and was a free system of commerce, governed only by the involved merchants.The Government was not involved in its power or workings except as the leaders of Government became involved as merchants and brought their political clout to the market place.

Into this mix came the concept of the STOCK MARKET. Twenty-four leading merchants in 1792, met secretly to discuss how to create order in the securities business and ultimately defeat their competitors who were the auctioneers. YES, THEY WERE INVOLVED IN WHAT WE CALL BUSINESS. They signed an agreement called the BUTTONWOOD AGREEMENT based on their traditional meeting place under a Buttonwood tree (of such simple, homely things are great traditions made) which set trading fees, trade among selves, and agreement not to participate in auctions of securities.
When New York was the United States' national capitol a Federal Hall was built on Wall Street where George Washington took his oath.  Wall Street became a famous name and since the trading was done on the street under that Buttonwood Tree-ergo, we have WALL ST.

 Now, WE THE PEOPLE, have a stake in this as well!!! What WE buy, where WE spend it, and the demands that WE make, affect WALL STREET. We can be the ULTIMATE power and Control by demanding to be able to CHOOSE TO purchase Amercan goods. THE CHOICE is the key. Foreign goods are fine but when our markets can no longer COMPETE AND PROVIDE because of cost, it's not good. We have not been exerting that economic control!!!!!! Practice your rights.

What's the old saying: If it sounds too good to be true, it is!!!   That was the case in purchasing homes. And could be the case again if we are not vigilant!

 Okay, the gist of all that information is WE WERE CONCEIVED A FREE NATION ABOVE ALL ELSE.

We have strayed a long way from that path, but prior to recent bills, it has been in a workable way.  Now we are on the brink of accepting a complete change of concepts, based on Fabian Socialism, which like the days in the 1700's is clamoring to centrally control this rich, new country. IS THAT WHAT WE REALLY WANT?????????

 If it is, then decide not to vote this November election and it will continue to happen. IF IT IS NOT what you want!!!!!!!! THEN VOTE to bring the Congress back into balance.

BECAUSE, WE THE PEOPLE and the VOTE are the ULTIMATE CHECKS AND BALANCES to keep our free system of government and our economic system HEALTHY.

I hope you choose to.......................VOTE......................................................!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Cheers, Connie




Thus far, I have covered only a portion of the Economics that affect our country so we need to look at the issue of Fabian Socialism, a British variety that America has been copying. Our Social Security, health care, welfare acts and various other programs have been started as part of Fabian Socialism with little or no thought about the outcomes.

There is no argument that the Pilgrims came to America as a result of their dislike of British politics, its excesses in taxation, suppression of religious expression, and consequent loss of freedom. Britain thought to change those abuses by eventually instituting Fabian Socialism as an alternative. But it's citizens are STILL OVER TAXED AND ENSLAVED THE PUBLIC!!!!!!!

THE POINT HERE is the British are fabulous in literature,  photography, and men's fashions and SUCK in most of their FINE ART AND POLITICS.  WE STARTED A NEW KIND OF GOVERNMENT to escape those British and European influences and abuses. Their poor political choices and endeavors have followed us to America.

Fabian Socialism is a creeping Socialism. It's not revolutionary!!!!!Most Americans don't feel the fear of being taken over and losing freedom because it does creep up on the voters.

Fabian Socialism is a rash that if not treated early spreads. It will cover the entire body of Americanism until we are Fabian Socialists. It must be at least slowed in this November election and in a continuing and slow movement, it must be eradicated from our Government using the techniques and methods Fabian Socialism teaches. "Win like Fabius, by delay". When America is threatened by  "We will destroy you from within"; the response must choosing wisely for our American form of government and delay a takeover by socialism.

 A slogan by these socialists is: "Win like Fabius, by delay." Roman general Quintus Fabius Maximus (Fabian to you) defeated Hannibal this way before 203 B.C. NOT A NEW CONCEPT is it!!!!!!!!!! George Washington also used it in the American Revolution so you can say we are BEING HOIST ON OUR OWN PETARD. (a workable old expression meaning destroyed by one's own bomb). The North Vietnamese used it against us in the Vietnam War (and as you remember we lost BIG TIME). it is NOT SOMETHING TO BE IGNORED!!!!!!!!!!

And where does Fabian Socialism reside? In Economics, of course! In 1884  Fabian Socialism was launched then made the foundation of the British Labour Party in the United Kingdom in 1904. It was then and is now a "war of attrition" to change (REFORM) the politics and economics of any government into a socialist state and instead of revolution by harassment and attrition.

 THE EMBLEM OF THE BRITISH FABIAN SOCIALIST SOCIETY, by the way, is a WOLF IN SHEEP'S CLOTHING!!!!!!!!!! The latest advocates in Britain are the Young Fabians brought into the light by Tony Blair, former British Prime Minister.

So, how HARD ON THE HEAD do Americans have to be hit to understand what is happening economically in our country???????????

The methodology is simple: it is a bit of theory with a tremendous amount of practice!  It is selective education of a few people trained to make reforms in Governmental social and economic areas who have no interest in mass involvement. THEY ARE NO LONGER INTERESTED IN YOUR OPINION because Fabian Socialists believe their opinion of what you NEED is considered to be better and right.(OKAY, THEY THINK YOU'RE STUPID--SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!)

They have a genius for THE USE OF WORDS. A socialist state is never mentioned. The Fabian Socialists ONLY offer social programs (formerly called welfare programs). They very much want you to be happy with what you are given and let the Fabian Socialists do as they think best. They believe in the "gradual nationalization of the economy through manipulation" of the democratic system. That means total Government control.

Their interest is primarily in large businesses that greatly affect the economy. They can allow small businesses to operate because government regulations will eventually provide control through licensing and taxation.

Fabian Socialists don't advocate complete state ownership but want to own the facilities that power those endeavors (energy, transportation, shipping etc.) for highly regulated  commerce. Wall Street can be allowed to operate under strict supervision and legal interference. All of this allows Government to exert complete control. Listen carefully to Obama, who spells out his Fabian Socialist goals clearly for you.

This system has been presented to the public one component at a time so that it receives popular support, thereby moving America one step at a time toward socialist control and away from private ownership and free enterprise. DON'T FORGET FREE ENTERPRISE WITH ALL ITS FAULTS is our greatest FORTRESS against TYRANNY. Our PAST governments (both Democrat and  Republican) have allowed a great deal of Fabian Socialism since Franklin D. Roosevelt's New Deal. (That WAS the NEW DEAL-Fabian Socialism)

Make no mistake Fabian Socialism aims at COMPLETE CONTROL and central Government planning, as well as socialized control over all economic factors in America.

 Why do Americans fail to see the threat to their freedom? SIMPLE. The Fabian Socialists expend a lot of media effort (including the Internet) to convince the public that this is what the public wants and needs.

They have made the public feel that the depersonalizing and polarizing Health program is good. That nationalizing one-fifth of the U.S. economy through legislation by focusing on BIG INDUSTRY is right. That rationalizing the use energy is  their perogative.  That the call for bank accountability is their privilege. That eventually freezing the capital market is reasonable. That the threats to media,  who don't agree about license renewal, is a correct action and for the public benefit. And that demonization of anyone who disagrees is necessary. All to make you feel good about LOSING YOUR FREEDOM and convincing you that what is being done is good for you, no real threat, and a great protection for you.

The Fabian Socialists have acquired the BULLY PULPIT WITH THE HELP OF ALL THE MAJOR MEDIA. Relentless cultural attacks by media, demonizing by the President, and an assault on everything in which you believed have and will continue to occur constantly. And the Fabian Socialists will dictate what you should believe.

 Fabian Socialists ask that YOU QUESTION everything EXCEPT Fabian Socialism which they hold as sacred as  RELIGION. In fact it replaces RELIGION for most Fabian Socialists.

 They claim our system has broken down. Whatever is broken, you can assume FABIAN SOCIALISTS have helped along.  THE HOUSING MARKET, WALL STREET,  EMPLOYMENT, IMMIGRATION have all been propelled into the disaster zone with the help of this creeping disease.

What SYSTEM COULD EXHIBIT HEALTH when it is under CONSTANT ATTACK by an ENEMY WITHIN IT. Most of Europe has never enjoyed the freedom America has enjoyed so WHY DO WE WANT TO BE LIKE THEM????????????

In essence Fabian Socialism is a plan for a "modern" FEUDAL society of slavery WITH the POPULACE as the slaves and the Government holding the MONEY AND POWER.

NO FREEDOM IN THAT, IS THERE?????? Fabian Socialism MAY BE BRITAIN'S CHOICE. Let's leave their poor politics in the UK.

Cheers, Connie


TRUTH??????????POLLS DON'T GO THERE!!!!!!!!!!


Economics covers many subjects as we learned in earlier blogs and statistics is high on the list. Statistics are a current favorite because you can provide SUPPOSITION for anything and make it look like PROOF.

POLLS fall into the statistics category and POLITICAL POLLS are the most suppositional of all but presented as PROOF of what will happen in an upcoming election. The polls following an election have more of a semblance of reality.

This would not be a problem if EVERYONE realized that we're talking about EDUCATED GUESSES. However, the influence that polls engender is based on our very human feelings of INDECISION because we don't have all the FACTS. Not having ALL THE FACTS, we feel that OTHERS PROBABLY KNOW MORE and so we should realign OUR thinking to agree with THEIR thinking and VOTE THE POPULAR TREND which is CREATED BY THE POLLSTERS.

Of course, the MEDIA AND POLLSTERS know this so that the RESULT OF THE POLLS you are given (AND THEY VARY WIDELY plus they no longer tell whose poll it is) are the ones that most suit the POLITICAL TEMPERAMENT OF A GIVEN SOURCE (the TV station, the newspaper, the magazine, the book, whatever).

You can go on the Internet and look up the polls and find the poll you like. Do you want one NOT FAVORING Congress or the President? IT'S THERE!!!!!!!!!!! Do you want one FAVORING the Congress or the President? IT'S THERE!!!!!!!!!! All the numbers, statistics and even in the case of some large pollsters the exact processes used. Isn't modern ECONOMICS wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!

Only PROBLEM is the polls are SUPPOSED to be FACTUAL, aren't they????????????

We've learned, however, in previous blogs that FACTS can't be based on SUPPOSITION. Facts are hard, cold, reliable, TRUE evidence of the REAL WORLD. POLLS AND STATISTICS DON'T GO THERE!!!!!!!!!

Just as in all statistics the authors of polls give you evidence of how FAIR AND IMPARTIAL their poll is and I am sure many of the pollsters MEAN WELL (remember that's not my highest compliment) but FACTS ARE FACTS and POLLS are STATISTICS.

In recent years The Associated Press and GFK Roper Public Affairs & Corporate Communications forged a partnership to become a leader in PUBLIC OPINION and marketing research. Supposedly the Associated Press "delivers fast unbiased news...and is the largest, most trusted source of independent news and information". A NOBLE and just worthy calling but they expend 30 or 40 pages of information and questions on their polls on the internet to PROVE how fair and unbiased their polls are set up. You can find every bit of the this information gathered on a site called "How the Poll was Conducted". Exemplary conduct!!!!!!!!!! RIGHT??????????????

You know what?????????? FACTS do not often need 30 to 40 pages of information and JUSTIFICATION so there must be a problem of belief in the documents that are in this case called the polls!!!!!!!

What to believe????????How to decide??????????TRUST YOUR INSTINCTS!!!!!!!!!!! NINE OUT OF TEN TIMES your instincts are CORRECT. That's BETTER than most statistics or polls!!!!!!

What are some of the PITFALLS of polls that most Pollsters forget to include: the BIAS of the person choosing the participants (even random phone numbers can be less than random); the VERICITY of the folks polled (Did you know that people will LIE when they don't trust the questioner?????); results are WEIGHTED (which means ADJUSTED OR SKEWED) to reflect the population's makeup (THIS COMES UNDER BIAS AS WELL); only a SMALL SELECTION (about 1000) of adults (18 or older) in the United States are usually polled (they claim their results never vary by more than +or-4.2% points in the UPS poll compared to population); and they do admit to potential errors like wording and order of questions (YOU THINK??????????)

This process also allows the current research teams that do the polls to ask a lot of NOSY QUESTIONS that aren't really pertinent to a particular issue that the interviewee feels obligated to answer of LIE about that will be used in other IFFY research statistics.


There are a lot of jobs, out there filled by earnest, well meaning people doing a job for statisticians, not really aware of where the information is intended to be used and do not intend to misinform the public. Unfortunately, they don't make the rules.

Personally, it's always good if the polls GO AGAINST your candidate because it means that the folks who approve of that candidate will stir their stumps and get out to vote at the REAL POLLS WHERE PEOPLE VOTE AND MAKE REAL FACTS AVAILABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Some random facts that question the impartiality of the poll and prove that there is a distinct make up of the people involved: a PARTICULAR POLL shows that there were 48% above $50,000. and 47% below $50,000.;white participants were 76% and black, 10%; other nationalities, 12%; Christians, 88%, Not Christian, 12% DOES THIS NOT MAKE YOU IN AWE OF THE POLLSTERS???????????How difficult must it be to "RANDOMLY" SELECT THOSE PERFECT PERCENTAGES that fit the national statistical average??????????

You're correct. It is impossible to form those perfect percentages which is why the Pollsters adjust the folks answering the polling to suit the proper ratio based on their previous statistical evidence in those areas. I wonder if out of the thousand people polled, they actually wind up with a hundred acceptable people???????????? IF THAT'S NOT A MIND BOGGLING RATIO OF A SCREWY FACSIMILE OF FACTS then you should go into the field of ELECTION POLL MAKING. It's a fit.

VOTE NOVEMBER for the candidate of YOUR CHOICE because your choice is every bit as good if not BETTER THAN the Pollsters choices or the media choices. They obviously have no more FACTS than you do and maybe EVEN LESS by the time they get done screwing around with whatever real information that was gathered.

Cheers, Connie



I'm departing from my usual voyage into Economics to discuss something that was brought to my attention in a recent email.

The gist of the email said that the greatest generation somehow failed to convey the real meaning of America to my generation and on down the line. The speaker, Dennis Prager, a college professor and TV broadcaster, says that they failed to pass on what it means to be an American.; that one can be a good and loyal American but not realize exactly what that means in terms of moral precepts.

We have to go back to the original commitments: IN GOD WE TRUST; LIBERTY; AND E PLURIBUS UNUM (out of MANY-ONE ). BECAUSE OF THOSE PRECEPTS AMERICA WAS CALLED 'THE LAST BEST HOPE FOR MANKIND". It was an experiment of governing and it succeeded!!!!!!!!!! As Dennis Prager put it 'A GREAT HUMAN EXPERIMENT" AND IT SUCCEEDED!!!!!!!!!!!!

E Puribus Unum (refers to becoming one nation) and in the phrase in the Declaration of Independence states that "all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights". It is a phrase forced out of schools because of the communist use of "the equal".

Have we had some bad set backs like the depression?????????YOU'D BETTER BELIEVE IT BUT CAN YOU NAME A SYSTEM THAT HAS NOT HAD SETBACKS? We just expect more of AMERICA and so do others. Have we made mistakes??????YOU BET. We imported SLAVES FROM EUROPE AND AFRICA and neglected to free them. So did many other countries BUT WE JUST EXPECT MORE OF AMERICA AND SO DO OTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!

Are we a GIVING NATION??????????All the bullshit to the contrary, it has been proven OVER AND OVER AGAIN that the United States gives more when it is needed than all the European countries put together. We work hard and give hard while Europe complains about time off, vacations, early retirement!!!!!!!!!!!

DO WE USE MORE ENERGY??????? HAVE YOU NOTICED THE BLAZING LIGHTS in all the capitols of Europe and Asia in the last few years ???????ANYONE ADD THAT UP???? China and Japan have now bragged that they have as many or more CARS than the UNITED STATES!!!!!!

Maybe, we have to stop listening to the PROPAGANDA AND REALIZE WHY our country was created and THAT WE HAVE BECOME PROSPEROUS because of the precepts THAT OTHERS WOULD LIKE TO SEE US LOSE so that they can be THE "ONE LAST BEST HOPE OF MANKIND"!!!!!!!!!

Communists, Socialists, Progressives, all words for the left leaning who practice an old form of politics that goes back to CONFUCIANISM in China.

OUR SYSTEM BEGAN because of the faults found in that system and other totalitarian systems. Our system is still in its INFANCY. A little over 200 years old. And hailed as:



Prager points out that a nation does not survive without a REASON. We have misplaced the real reason for America. THE WHY OF OUR NATION. Those three principles are the WHY of our nation:

e pluribus unum--out of many-ONE
liberty --FREEDOM
in God we trust --MORALS AND ETHICS

If you read our early American history (which by the way has been disappearing from the school curriculum in favor of World history) you will fine they struggled LONG AND HARD to find the THREE PHRASES OF WHY America is the set up the way it is.

A struggle based on our DIVORCE FROM EUROPE and its corruption, which many prefer to disregard in modern times. We lost a lot of our American information when we followed John Dewey's system in education into hiring professors and teachers from European schools who taught us the European precepts. JUST WHAT WE WANTED TO ESCAPE!!!!!!!!

Europe was the reason for the United Nations after WWII. They couldn't stay out of conflict. We helped because that's what we do. We became members. Membership does not give the UN a right to become a governing force in our county.

AMERICA is not in need of governing by the UN if we follow the original precepts of our union and our Constitution and Bill of Rights. The UNITED NATIONS JUST MADE IRAN A MEMBER OF THE COMMITTEE ON WOMEN'S RIGHTS!!!!!!!!!!????????? MUSLIM COUNTRIES are notorious for their lack of concern FOR WOMEN'S RIGHTS. IS THIS THE KIND OF GOVERNING AMERICA believes in. I think not!!!!!!!!

Is this an Economic crisis in AMERICA that we have to vote on this November? Only partially, the big issue is the WHY we want to preserve America as America. This election in November is based on WHAT WE WANT TO BE AS AMERICANS.

Are we to be the FREE, INDIVIDUAL (e pluribus unum- out of many ONE :or do we want to be RULED NOT FREE, WITHOUT INDIVIDUALITY, AND NOT EQUAL something we have fought hard to become (because RULED men are NEVER EQUAL)????????????

THIS ELECTION NOVEMBER 2 will decide that more firmly than any in recent history. Will we remain the LAST BEST HOPE FOR MANKIND???????????? Or CAVE IN TO THE PRESSURE OF OUR ENEMIES?????????

Vote to change both the House and the Senate. VOTE AS IF YOUR LIFE AS AN AMERICAN DEPENDS ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

BECAUSE IT DOES!!!!!!!!!!!!