


I've got a few Economic and political problems in my sights this week so we'll cover the first.

RED China (and remember for all its progress, it is still RED) has been waging war on our currency since 2009. Obama evidently doesn't inspire confidence in other countries with his economic policies (YA THINK??????) and China has in the past made a series of attacks on the dollar as well as questioning Mrs. Clinton on its trustworthiness. China also laid out a paper from the People's Bank of China with an alternative to the dollar of an international Monetary Fund. GUESS WHO'D RUN THAT????????? Since China holds nearly over $2 trillion in foreign debt, the bulk of it denominated in dollars, it is natural to be worried about Obama's, the Federal Reserves and the US Government's monetary policies.

You'd think in light of that, our government would not be balking at reducing the health care bill. The arguments that it will not increase debt are fairy tales. It will add hugely to further debt. If we lose the dollar advantage, and China or others refuse to buy our treasury bonds, we will have to pay higher rates for our debt. And that could be a real problem. What happened to examining debt as related to income so paying that debt does not become a problem.

Further than that, wasn't it part of our moral and ethical attitudes that debt needs to be honored. Paying one's bills was what our economy was built upon and honoring one's debt is a rather sacred trust. Credit cards and mortgages may have somewhat altered that attitude. Citizens began to feel they deserved to have what they wanted and the government could pay the bill. We NEED TO GET BACK TO HONORING OUR DEBTS BEFORE WE INCUR MORE DEBT!!!!!!!!!That's so obvious, I almost hate to write it. COME ON FOLKS. It's the only way our system of government can work. HONOR!!!!!!!!!!PRIDE!!!!!!!!!!!HARD WORK!!!!!!!!!!HONESTY!!!!!!!!!! which EARNS FREEDOM!!!!!!!!!!! WE NEED TO RENEW THOSE CONSTITUTIONAL VOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok., I touch this at all because HISTORY has gone down the drain with FINANCIAL HONESTY. To the detriment of all concerned the "African slave trade" existed for centuries long before America became involved. Good old Europe, the lands we love, brought it to this country. And hear this only a small percentage ended up in North American territory! THAT DOESN'T MAKE IT ANY RIGHTER, however, it does put in perspective the fact that WE DIDN'T INVENT IT (by the way Africa did and is still doing it) and a large part of our country never condoned it and went to WAR to change it. So, isn't it time for the United States to stop wearing the HAIR SUIT and our black Americans stop using A POOR RECOLLECTION OF HISTORY as a weapon. Let's get on with being Americans and making our country the best it can be!

WHAT'S AUSTRALIA GOT THAT WE HAVEN'T GOT??????????Hey, it's a SENSE OF ITSELF AND COUNTRY!!!!!!!!! And a FEMALE PRIME MINISTER who is courageous enough to tell it like it is!!!!! She said in earlier rhetoric that immigrants, not Australians, must adapt so they must take it or leave it. Australia, that is!!!!!!!!!! She also indicated that she was tired of her nation worrying about offending some individual or their culture. She indicated that Australian culture was developed over two centuries of struggles and trials as well as victories (COULD BE AMERICA CLAIMING THE SAME) by men and women who sought freedom.

She went on to say that Australians speak mainly English, most believe in Christian principles on which the nation was founded (SOUNDS LIKE AMERICA AGAIN!!!!!!!!) and that if this offends anyone, she suggested they move on to a new place to call home. She accepted their beliefs and asked IMMIGRANTS to accept Australia's beliefs to create harmony and peace. Muslims, who wanted to live under Islamic Sharia law were asked by the Government to get out of Australia as listed as radicals.

And I love this quote although I'm not sure where it came from: "THIS IS OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, AND OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done COMPLAINING, WHINING, AND GRIPING about our FLAG, OUR PLEDGE, OUR CHRISTIAN BELIEFS, OR OUR WAY OF LIFE, I highly encourage you to take advantage of one other great Australian freedom, THE RIGHT TO LEAVE."


She went on to say that Australia is "if you aren't happy here then LEAVE. we DIDN'T FORCE YOU TO COME HERE. You asked TO BE HERE. So accept the country you chose."

In America's case many of our immigrants DIDN'T ASK TO BE HERE but STOLE our work, our wages, our land from our poor, as well as our peace of mind by STEALING INTO THE COUNTRY ILLEGALLY and feel no compunction to follow our laws or our Constitution!!!!!!!!!!!

SO WHEN DO AMERICANS GET THE GUMPTION TO EMULATE THE PRIME MINISTER OF AUSTRALIA AND STAND UP AND BE COUNTED!!!!!!!!!!! We have been indoctrinated and propagandized by our MEDIA to feel we have been BAD DOO-BEES and must apologize for our ACTIONS!!!!!!!!! GIVE ME A BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NAME A MAJOR COUNTRY IN THE WORLD, whose sins cannot be COUNTED and a few minor ones, at that !!!!!!!!

The immigrant situation is NOT GOING AWAY. It demands action. We must deal with it not only effectively but with regard to law. We have given the immigrants, who are here, the benefit of our bounty and if they entered legally, they earned it. If they did not enter legally, they have still received the benefits, but need to go home and come back as legal aliens. We can offer a larger quota for a limited time. None of this is inhumane and in the case of escape from a hostile regime, we can make special law. WHAT IS THE PROBLEM!!!!!!!! That's what the law is supposed to do. DEAR GOVERNMENT-STOP MAKING MOUNTAINS WHERE ONLY MOLEHILLS EXIST!!!!!!!!!! We've been solving problems for 200 years+. We can solve this one.

There has been a lot of email about the Muslim situation as it relates to this country. Distress has risen as the world has grown smaller and people recognise the muslim population's increase in countries across the world. Obama, who is sympathetic (at least) to the tenants of that religion, behaves alarmingly when he proposes law favoring Muslims and denies America's Christian heritage. Perhaps he should re-acquaint(?) himself with America's history. Australia's stand on the issue should point the way for our Congress.

As far as the Muslim situation in this country and others, we have to recognise the Muslim war against Christianity has been going on for 1000 years. It's not new and is not going to end just because we think it should. FACE UP!!!!!!!!!!! Muslims want your SOUL or your ASS and they really don't care which you choose!!!!!!!!! It's your country. Stand up and be counted.

Cheers, Connie

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